Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A relatively stable level, period, or state

That's right, folks. Say it with me. PLATEAU!

Until I read the actual definition, I had always felt negatively toward the weight loss plateau. But now, I'm not so sure. After all, stability is generally regarded as a good thing! In family life, in a career, in a canoe (or any watercraft, really)...stability is the name of the game. So why the dread when it comes to weight loss? I'm still 245. My weight loss still stands at 26 pounds. I haven't gained any weight. I've maintained my weight. Would it be better if I were maintaining 160 pounds? Well, sure. But these plateaus are bound to happen, so instead of getting frustrated, I can think of it as practice for maintaining my goal weight.

I don't want to stay here, but I'm glad I haven't gone back up. I've dealt with and solved a couple of health issues that were getting in the way of working out. So now, I'm committing to 4 classes at my gym per week. I'm trying to try some I wouldn't have considered before, like Zumba (please, God, don't let me look like a complete fool).

I know I could workout at home, but my kids are still pretty young (and haven't yet learned patience), and no one naps simultaneously anymore. Plus, I like getting out and trying new things. I get bored with workouts really quickly, so being able to change it up a lot is good for me. Hopefully this plateau will end soon and the increased exercise will begin to shave off these pounds, but for now...I'll take stability.

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