Sunday, May 13, 2012

Workouts: Week One

I've been waging this war a long time. While that's sometimes discouraging, it has also helped me learn a great deal about what does and doesn't work for me. 

When it comes to working out, I know that I probably won't ever be one of those people who can work out 2-3 times a week and stay with it consistently. I have to work out everyday. My vices make it that way. I tend toward laziness and disorganization. If I'm not right on top of those all the time, they take over. I've tried working out every other day, two days on one day off, etc. That "rest day" pulls me right down into my old habits, and halfway through it I already know I won't be going to work out the next day. Additionally, I have to plan my workouts for the week ahead of time. If I haven't already determined what to do (along with a plan B if the hubby works late or something) I won't do it at all. 

I mentioned before the weight loss I had in college. Back then I used The FIRM. I loved that program. I still do, but it's hard to do at home with little ones. I didn't follow the recommendations for the workout schedule. Instead, I did it every day, right from the start. I stuck with it, and it worked. Once I tried to switch to every other day, my routine fell by the wayside and I stopped altogether. 

So I knew I had to jump right in this time, every day; no matter what the workout looked like, it had to get done. I'm proud to say that this past week I did an hour-long workout every day but Sunday. Even though it was Mother's Day, I got a lot done around the house, so I'm hoping that counted for something. I think Sundays will be my challenging day because there aren't any classes at the gym besides yoga. So I'm not really sure what to throw in on that day. Our DVD player won't work, so all my home workouts are impossible. I really don't care much for yoga, and I have issues with my neck that make a lot of the poses really uncomfortable. 

Any thoughts or suggestions to fill up my Sunday? Maybe something a little off the beaten path? 

Next week will look like this: Monday - Zumba; Tuesday - Zumba; Wednesday - Zumba; Thursday - Cycling; Friday - Zumba; Saturday - Cycling. 

Yes, it's a lot of Zumba, but aside from the fact that I LOVE it, the times for that class work best with my schedule. But something different for Sunday would be fun! 

Thanks for reading. I know for some of you this parallels your own journeys. We can do this! Thanks for being motivation for me, too. 

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Maybe keep Sunday as your "rest" day. Meaning instead of a high impact workout, keep it low key so as to let your muscles rest. Like go for a 1-2 mile walk. It's low impact but making it at least a mile will still be a good workout. Just a thought.

  2. Are you at lpcc? Try the water aerobics. Karen was my fav instructor and it was a good workout! If there is no class Sundays you could run against the current in the lazy river.
