Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I am not a dancer. It's one of my fondest wishes, but alas. God blessed me with rhythm, but not physical coordination. So you might understand my hesitation at attempting something like Zumba. I was pretty sure I would look like an idiot and not be able to keep up. But I decided that I'm going to try new workouts, so tonight after M was picked up I ran out the door for a 6:30 class.

Aside from my slight nervousness, I was also 10 minutes late and it was packed. I forged a little spot for myself in the corner and jumped in with two feet. Into squats. Fun! I felt the burn right away and for a moment I wasn't sure I could do it for another 40 minutes. But the beautiful thing about Zumba is that it's always changing. Our instructor was upbeat and clearly having the time of her life, and her attitude was infectious. Thge music was awesome. Everyone there - from the women who were clearly regulars, to the newbies like me - was having fun. I couldn't begin to name all the styles of dance we did, but aside from 2 of them I was able to really keep pace with the instructor. About 10 minutes in, I realized 2 things. First, I was sweating like crazy - in the way that you know you're working your tail off - and second, I was smiling. I don't think I have ever smiled during a workout.

I'm going back for the next class. Knowing there's a way to get a great cardio workout and have fun doing it? How could I not go back? If you've never tried Zumba, do it. You'll love it. I did.


  1. Awesome! I'm glad you had fun! That makes ALL the difference!

  2. I love love love Zumba! It's my workout of choice! I've been doing Zumba for about 10 days now using my DVD collection. I prefer the live classes though. When I'm home alone doing to workout it's not as much fun. When you're in a class full of people and an awesome instructor it's hard not to have a great time!

    So glad you found Zumba! Stick with it because let me tell you, I am HURTING!!! But it's a good hurt!
