Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chocoholics Anonymous

My name is Emily, and I am addicted to chocolate.

Oh friends, this week my mind has been on chocolate. I have actually dreamed about it. Trader Joe's chocolate cake mix stared me down from the store shelf, daring me to pass by without picking it up. While I really don't deny myself anything I love at this point, I do have to control myself. I have to choose moderation, or it's back up the scale I'll go.

I think it all started last Saturday when I babysat two of my favorite kiddos. The younger of the two and I played a new board game: Chocolate-opoly. Yes, really. You don't go to jail, you go to Chocoholics Anonymous. And I went there no less than FIVE times. (It's like it knows me, you guys) I lost, of course (because who can win when they spend half the game in jail/CA?), but I also haven't been able to stop thinking about chocolate ever since. Sigh.

Or, it could be the box of Russell Stover's chocolates my hubby got me for Mother's Day. Which I was partially annoyed about (he knows I'm trying to be good about sweets), but partially glad about (because he got me the small box, good man). Whatever it is, it's chocolate on the brain this week, with no end in sight.

Maybe this is my body's signal that it's time to cut back more, to help with the cravings. After all, when I cut out fast food I stopped craving it all the time. Perhaps if I remove the sweets entirely the cravings will lessen? I dunno. I haven't had a lot of success in the past with restrictive diets, and I fully believe in moderation and not elimination. If I decide not to allow myself something, it's even harder to avoid it. This is a tough one. Thoughts? Suggestions?

On a more positive note, these are my stats. I took my first measurements the day after I started Zumba, which was about 2 weeks ago. Here's the change from last week, and the total to date!


Waist:  -.75"  (to date:  -1.75")
Hips:  -.5"    (to date:  -1")
Weight:  +.5 lbs (to date:  -27lbs)

I admit I was a little disheartened by the slight weight gain, but inches are still coming off, so I have to remember that weight is only one part of the equation.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the chocolate cravings! I have a huge sweet tooth. I have found that the Special K fiber bars are actually pretty good. If you limit yourself to one a day you'll be getting fiber and antioxidants along with what I find to be a nice chocolate fix.

    I also like to buy sugar free hard candies to help curve the cravings.
