Thursday, May 24, 2012

Two Weeks of Zumba

Hi all!

There are still days I can't believe I didn't try this sooner. I'm just as crazy about it today as I was after my first class. I Zumba (because it really should be a verb, don't you think?) 4-5 times per week, depending on my schedule. There are as many instructors as classes, and I like that so much. It keeps it fresh!

I have my clear favorite - on Tuesday nights - but I really like all the others as well. They all do it just a little differently.

When I began, I really just wanted to stay in a corner where I couldn't see myself in the mirror, and where I wouldn't be conspicuous to the other people in the class. The last few classes, though, I've found myself moving  up toward the front, less afraid of looking like a fool, and more confident in the moves. I'm still not that coordinated, but the few times I did glance in the mirror, I was relieved to see that my efforts at least resembled the instructor's! :) I can keep up, I just wish I looked a little more nimble and less plodding. But perhaps that will come.

I'm considering getting Zumba for my Wii, since I'd like to do it at home, and we still don't have a functioning DVD player. Anyone have it? Is it worth it?

I surprised myself today. I actually tried adding some of the jumps into the moves, and it didn't hurt my knees at all! In fact, my knees have felt so much better since I started working out regularly. I tried a couple times in the first class I took and I knew right away to stop, but today I didn't feel any pain or twinges. It felt really good to be able to do that. I felt strong. I could really tell that my stamina has improved, too. I'm really looking forward to the changes that are still to come.

I had forgotten how fun it is to jump. ;)


  1. Awww! That's GREAT Em! You know why your knees don't hurt anymore? You're gaining *MUSCLE* and that's the foundation for really getting into the work-out and challenging yourself! Bravo for getting up to the front! We always tell the newbies that they need to forget what they think the rest of the class is looking at (trust me, they're looking at us, the instructors and boy can we feel it!) and check yourself in the mirror, that really does help your fine tune your movements! Seeing instructor booty and feet= KEY to getting the most out of the workout. If your can at least try to mimic those parts you're going to burn the most calories! If you're sexy and you know it put your hands up in the air! Seriously, you're rocking it!

  2. It's an amazing workout isn't it? I love it when the videos or live instructors say "it doesn't feel like working out, it's a party"...I don't know what parties they've been to but it totally feels like a workout to me, haha. Either way it's a good hurt.

    My knees are still hurting me. I have yet to fully jump during any of the workouts.

    I have Zumba for the Wii. It's not quite what I expected. It doesn't push me as hard as the DVD's or the live classes. It's fun and the choreography is kind of easy to catch on too. Just my opinion. It is fun you might like it. I personally prefer the DVD's.
