Saturday, May 26, 2012

Unexpected Blessing

When I set out to do this - really do this - I expected certain things. Inches lost, weight heading downward, sore muscles, having to give up some foods, and sacrificing some downtime...these were all things on my list of the expected.

What I did not expect was how this is changing me as a person, and most specifically as a mother. Before I began daily workouts, I had so many days with my children when I deteriorated into a crazy mommy with no patience who would either just shout at them or go into the bathroom to cry. I could not figure out why I couldn't be the mother I wanted to be. Perhaps I was overtired, sapped of energy from eating terrible foods and getting no exercise. It was horrible to feel so inadequate at something I desperately wanted to do well.

In March, I rearranged my childcare schedule to be just afternoons, so I was able to get out of the house more often. It helped quite a bit, but still I felt like I was losing my cool more often than I should. Lo and behold, when I began working out regularly, I found that my patience increased. My everyday mood has improved, and I have more energy for my kids. Maybe it's the burning off of nervous energy (my anxiety has also improved), or perhaps it's the endorphins. Whatever it is, I have had more patience, and have been experiencing the joy of motherhood more often than the challenges.

It was quite unexpected, but I'll take it. :)

Hope you all have a great weekend and Memorial Day!


  1. I don't usually have the moments you describe anymore, but now that I'm pregnant WATCH OUT! I find the same thing that you do, exercise helps! It's only short term for me right now, but I'm wondering if I'm a bit more regular, then it would help for longer. It's so ironic that I was thinking about this just this morning! I'm glad the exercising is a good thing for you!

  2. I think it also helps that you feel better about yourself for doing the "tough thing." Keep up the good work!
