Thursday, September 30, 2010

disappointing setbacks

I had the best C-2-5K workout on Tuesday morning. I felt...empowered, strong, and encouraged.

And ever since then, I have had some wicked pain in my patellar tendon. Advice? Rest, ice, and time. Apparently it's a common injury, more common with those whose sports include jumping, but can also plague those who run. Also those who are overweight.

I am so, SO unbelievably disappointed. I really felt like I broke through a barrier on Tuesday morning...and now here I sit with ice on my knee and the knowledge that trying to run on it will only make it worse.

I really, really wanted this. I wanted to finish this program and run my 5K. And I know if I give this time to heal, and perhaps wait until I've dropped some weight, that it will be very possible.

But I'm literally in tears, you guys. (Me? Crying over NOT being able to work out? I know...I have no idea who this girl is either!) Having to start all over down the have gotten myself through a huge mental and physical barrier only to have to stop is more frustrating than I can even say. It feels like it was all for nothing.

And now all I want to do is eat.




  1. Hey, watch the language, this is your mother. You also know that you can walk for a while and then start the couch to 5k again. Walk everyday, that is what I am doing. I walk between 6 and 9pm, sometimes outside at home, sometimes at the mall. Just find a 30 minute slot around the two jobs and it will work.

    Don't get frustrated, and understand that there will always be setbacks and obstacles. Remember Job and Charlie, they continue to praise God and push through and were rewarded.

    LOVE YOU!!


  2. Sorry, mom.

    I know I can walk too. I was just feeling to GOOD about running longer and better.

    I'm going to do some of the home workouts I have too, since they're gentler on the knees.

    But my knee feels so much better today. I started some anti-inflammatories last night, and spent the night at home in the recliner icing it on and off. It seems to have really helped. Just going up the stairs yesterday was painful, or if I moved my leg a certain way...but this morning it felt much better, and still does. So I'm hoping for quick healing. It's usually not a chronic thing unless the injury is severe, or you try and keep running through pain. I've never had this injury before, so chances are it will heal up fine. One of the big things is doing exercises to make my hamstrings anf quads more flexible...those muscles being tight are a major contributor to patellar tendon injury.

    Thanks for the encouragment! I love you!

  3. I agree with walking. You should check out Walk Away the Pounds, which can be modified to easier or harder very easily. I wish you lived nearby, I'd let you borrow my extra!

    And I hear you about just wanting to eat and eat. Usually when I'm down, I say, "I'm so fat.....I'd better go eat something." Right now I'm trying to decide if I'm hungry or just tired. The jury's still out.

    Good luck, I know you'll get through this fast!

  4. And because I'm in a posting mood...

    Hi mom!

    Em, I'm going to keep you in my prayers. I just had the realization that I've started looking forward to working out... weird. really really weird. Then I started thinking, "oh crap, what if I hurt myself."

    I'm reminded of my Sophomore year of college. I lost 15-20 pounds just by changing what I ate for Lunch. So with your apparent crazy diet, I think you'll you'll continue to do well.

    I do some walking, but have been focusing mainly on the elliptical at this point because it is so low impact. I'm worried about even jogging at this point with my past knee problems. I don't know if that would fit in with your program, that I have to admit I know nothing about... except that it involves a couch and a 5k ;-)

    Love you sis, and remember I'm praying for you!


  5. Firstly, sorry to hear about your injury. Knee injuries are super frustrating. But don't let it stop you from getting your exercise in. You can still do Level 1 of 30-Day Shred, as it's pretty low impact. If something hurts, like jumping jacks, just squat and throw some punches instead. Get creative, but keep moving.

    Secondly, re: no weight loss, do you know how many calories you're eating and how many you're burning? Weight loss is all about calories in, calories out, especially in the beginning. SparkPeople has a nice, easy-to-use interface that allows you to estimate your weekly activity, at which point it will give you a recommended calorie range to help you meet your weight loss goals. Their nutrition and fitness trackers are pretty solid tools. There are a number of similar sites around the web, but Spark is the most comprehensive in my opinion.

    As for how to arrange your meals and the best nutrient ratios, Spark can help with that, too, but I'll again vouch for Master Your Metabolism as one of the best books out there on that subject.

    I know it's been a rough week, but keep your chin up and keep moving forward! You CAN do this; you are stronger than you think.
