Wednesday, September 29, 2010

excuse me, but will you please move?

I got on the scale this morning for the first time in about a week. I really have to refrain myself from using it every day, so when I manage to wait so long, I am anxious to see the progress.

It hadn't budged. Not one measly ounce.

You know what my immediate thought was?

"Well, I guess I may as well get that Culver's I've been craving, because avoiding it apparently doesn't matter."

Whoa. And in that moment, I saw - more clearly than I ever have - my pattern over the last 10 years. Something not working? Give it up! It's not worth trying if it's not making any difference.

Instead, I re-evaluated. I talked myself down from Culver's Cliff and looked more closely at what my eating habits had been these last two weeks. Yes, I was eating less. Yes, I was eating things that were good for me, but perhaps the organization was off.

I would have a smoothie for breakfast, a slimfast (now I've switched to Atkins soy protein) shake for lunch, and then dinner, which usually consisted of a lean protein, veggie, and a grain. No food after 7pm. I wouldn't really snack, because I'm afraid of snacking. It's a big pitfall for me, because I tend not to be able to limit myself the way I should and end up eating more of a meal-sized snack.

So I guess I wonder if trying to avoid a landmine is what's keeping the scale from moving. Perhaps I'm not eating enough.

So today, I had oatmeal for breakfast (7:30a), and low-fat yogurt for a snack (9:15a), and I'm about to make an egg sandwich on whole grain bread (no mayo, just eggs and bread). I will still have my atkins shake for lunch a couple hours after that. So, I guess I'll try the eating-every-couple-hours school of thought for a while and see if that can't give the scale a swift kick in the rear.

It also occurs to me that I may just not be burning enough calories. A half-hour interval workout 3x a week probably isn't doing a whole lot. So, I'm going to have to throw something else in there on my off days. I've had recommendations for Jillian Michael's 30-day-shred, so I'm gonna give that a whirl.

It's taking a whole lot of willpower to keep this up without results.

But the pounds will eventually start disappearing...



  1. Emily - I bet you are right on - I did WW for a while to get some baby weight off after Jack and they stressed making sure to eat enough. Keep hanging in there!!!

  2. Emily,
    Keep up the good work. I am walking everyday for 30-40 minutes, and I hope that is enough. That is what Drew Carey did and lost 70 pounds. Now, stick to this, because we are in this together!!

  3. I know I'm responding to this post after your latest one, but oh well.

    I had the very same experience this morning. After a week of eating no more then about 1500 or so calories and working out 6 of 7 days for 30-45 minutes of 5-600 calorie hard work out. Nothing, not even half a pound. I was tempted to grab a little McDonald's breakfast, but thankfully I stopped. I've been tempted a lot lately (after a really good work out) to grab a coke, or some ice-cream, or something, but I haven't been that good. Maybe after another 20lbs.

  4. I hear you, I remember how it felt to have 70+ pounds to lose after pregnancy, and that is just downright depressing. But what helped was eating ALOT but at the right times. You have to eat to lose weight, its the little spoken truism from the basics of physiology. You have to challenge your metabolism, so you work out for 30 minutes, then eat something with carbs, a piece of fruit or cheese and crackers. You have to push your metabolism to kick into high gear, and if you don't give your body the fuel to do that, you won't lose weight. Plus you will have no energy to get back on the workout! Prepare small snacks ahead of time, say on a Sunday, and individually wrap them up, so you know you only have that much to eat, and that's it! I wish you luck, and know that you can do this, you are a super strong lady. You totally can kick this in the behind!

  5. I had the same experience after a week on WW. I lost .7 pounds (which is really nothing). The next week I lost at least 5. I think your body has to get used to the shift. You'll see the results! AND my biggest advice is don't be afraid to indulge every once in a great while (maybe ask George to help you only have one treat every couple of days, Sean can really help me in that area). I find that if I'm dying for my fave foods, then I eventually give in and have a ton! There's nothing so awesome as being able to have just a little icecream or half a glass of pop and really enjoying it.
