Monday, September 27, 2010


so. here we are.

this is the point in any new endeavor when i cop out. i get to one small goal, take one small step...and call it good. and i've been okay with that pattern for the better part of 10 years. "really, it's fine. i dont need to go any farther...i went this little bit and that means i can do it, so i can do it anytime i want so...i'll do it later". it's like that oh-so-cliche phrase: "i can quit any time i want", except...reversed. so it's kind of the same. i guess. you know what i mean.

what!? i mean seriously...what?! i wish i were kidding, but that's my way. it's like my trademark. heh heh.

but that has to change. has to. no if's, and's or but' my dear dad would say.

and i find myself here once again. my eating habits? great! finished week 1 of C-2-5K? check! and now i'm in that place...ohhhh, yes indeed.

week 2? there's a week 2, you say? with...more running? eat well for another week? whatever for?

yes, these are the battles raging in my brain at this very moment.

today i ate two packages of little debbie swiss rolls. probably not the worst slip up ever, but i forgave myself. didn't even think much of it really. and that folks, is how you spend 10 years being complacent.

no. more. NO. MORE.

i will get this jiggly arse out of bed in the morning. i will put on my running shoes and i will go. out the door, into the blessedly cool morning air (yay, autumn!) where i will push past this point, past the point of complacency, past the edge of my comfort zone.

"You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down." ~ Mary Pickford

here's to getting up!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos for you for keeping at it. Eventually, taking care of yourself via healthy eating and exercising will begin to feel natural.

    I thought I'd throw out a couple of suggestions for you, having been down this road myself. (For what it's worth, my highest weight was 257; I weighed in yesterday at 153.2. So you CAN do this.)

    Change up your workouts. You said you wanted to try P90X, which is a fantastic program. I definitely recommend starting with something a little less intense, like Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred DVD. That's a good one to mix in with your C25K training, too, because it gives you cardio AND strength training on your non-running days.

    As for diet, I can't recommend Jillian's book, "Master Your Metabolism," highly enough. Really changed the way I thought about how my diet and other actions affect my body.

    For staying motivated, is another great resource. Diet & exercise trackers plus a community of folks dedicated to the same ideals you are. Can be very helpful in those harder moments.

    Good luck, and if there's ever anything I can do to help, let me know!
