Friday, September 24, 2010

Here I Go

So, here it is. Out on the interwebs for anyone to see. My long, long weigh down. I had to have someplace to be accountable, and also to keep a record for myself of my progress.

My name is Emily, and I am obese. (Just now, typing that, I cried. I always knew it, but only admitted it to myself)

I am 240 pounds. Yikes. That looks even scarier in print.

I am a size 18.

I am a mom of a toddler. I love her more than words can say, and as much as I need to do this for me, I need to do this for her. I want her to have a mom who has energy, a mom who sets a good example of how to eat, and how to be active.

I am wife to my own personal superman. This is for him, too. He deserves a wife who takes care of herself...and not just a wife who wants to spend a long happy life with him, but one who actually can.

I'm lucky so far. Genes have been in my favor. Good cholesterol, good BP, no type 2 diabetes. But how long do I want to keep pushing my luck and relying on my gene pool to get me through?

So this is it. I think I want to do this more than I ever have. I have resolve and determination I've never had. Maybe it's getting older, maturing into a real adult.

We are still building our family, so there will be stops and starts on the weightloss journey if I have another baby, but taking care of myself while pregnant is still important (and I really didn't do that so well the first time), so I'll document that journey here too.

Welcome! Thanks for taking this journey with me.

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