Saturday, September 25, 2010


I read this quote today, and I thought it appropriate for my little blog here:

"Goals that are not written down are just wishes."
~Author Unknown

It rings true, dontcha think?

Here's the outline of my goals:

Ideally, I'd like to lose about 40 pounds before we have another baby. After that, I'd like to get down to about 155. I have no illusions of being 120lbs. I'm not being defeatist when I say it's probably not realistic, just honest. I think my body type/bone structure probably wouldn't support such a low weight. I've been a size 12 at 180 lbs, so I'm thinking somewhere in the size 10 range would be pretty awesome.

That being said, I'm really going to have to work my a** off to get this first 40 lbs off. We don't want to wait too long before trying for #2, so I've got maybe 4 months if all goes as planned (and let's face usually doesn't!)

I want to finish my Couch to 5K. I completed Week 1 yesterday. I don't finish much that I start out to do, so finishing it will be a big personal victory.

When I finish it, I want to sign up for my first 5K.

I want to try P90X. I know, I know...that's tough shit right there, but I do want to give it a whirl by the end of the year. Who knows? I might love it.

I'm not sure this one is a great idea...depending on muscle built, and fat lost, there's really no good way to anticipate this we'll just leave it at that.

So there they goals in black and white. And today was a family reunion, so it was my free day.

All in all, though, I did pretty well...not a lot of mindless snacking on hors d'oeuvres, reasonable dessert portions, a small dinner on the way home.

"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination."
~Fitzhugh Dodson

Who's got a goal, a plan, and two thumbs? This girl.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I will keep you accountable and you do the same for me. I am doing mine through the Chronicles and hopefully we will have the same success!

    Love, Mom
