Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Sorry it's been a few days! They have been intensely busy days at that! I've been thoroughly worn out at the end of the week since I started caring for a four-month-old last week, and this week started with another 14 month-old. They keep me on my toes!

I think my knee is healing. There were about 4 days there that I had to take motrin all day to keep from being in tons of pain. But the last couple days have been fine. I still take a dose at night as I'm going to bed because it keeps it from hurting when I wake up, but during the day I'm just icing it periodically, and it's been about 75% better. Still a little sore by day's end, but overall much improved. I feel reassured that it IS healing and that it won't be too long before I can resume some calorie-busting moves.

I'm going to stay away from the running for a couple months. It's disappointing, but I think it's something I need to try again after I've lost some weight. I'm hopeful it'll go more smoothly then.

I'm just waiting for my 30 Day Shred to arrive and give it a try. I'm also looking into Weight Watchers. I hate to think I can't figure out how to eat on my own, but with three kids going, going, going all day I tend to just grab what's there. I've taken most things out of my pantry that would be bad for me anyway, but I feel like I would benefit from the guidance, at least for a little while.

I've definitely been struggling with some willpower issues the last few days...when I'm working out it seems easier to eat better and resist temptation!

Hope you are all enjoying the fall weather!

1 comment:

  1. Weight Watchers is really, really great to teach you how to eat in moderation. The BIGGEST lesson i learned is that I can enjoy food, but it doesn't have to be a ton. Feel free to ask me about it, everyone I've known who has been on it, lost a substantial amount of weight.
