Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So it hasn't been pretty since I hurt my knee. I've used it as an excuse to give up.

Yes, even after my personal victory two weeks ago, I left it all behind and fell off that proverbial wagon. I haven't stepped on the scale, because I don't want to know what it will say.

Any other time in my life that I've tried to do this, once I fell off the wagon, I stayed off. But I wrote this blog to keep myself accountable. And I don't think I could look any of you in the eye again if I don't finish this thing.

So. I fell off. And now I'm getting back up. If you look to the left on my family blog, you'll see a link to a blog I read called Adios, Fat Pants (and I will get the links to my fave blogs on here soon, too). And this morning I read this entry:

She talks about the wrenches that get thrown into our efforts sometimes, and how it's no excuse to stop doing what you're doing. And reading it I realized that I always give up when it happens. Case in point: my knee, among about a million other things in years past. But at some point I have to decide that I won't anymore...that there will be a last time that I'll let those wrenches affect me and my goals. And this is it.

And for the record, my knee? Has been 100% for about 4 days now. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your knee's back to normal. Good luck jumping back on the wagon!
