Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Good Week

Today I got on the scale again.

I braced myself to see 242. Again. Still. Hopefully, even (you know...anywhere but up!) But you know what?

I'm back to 240! So, that's a 4 pound weight loss this week!

I know for us (women, that is...), we can fluctuate in a 5-10 pound range without it being "true" weight lost...but I'm holding onto this one. I have to, or I might go crazy. I'm just so relieved to find the scale beginning to move!

I ditched the shakes this last week, in favor of a turkey wrap with some crunchy romaine lettuce (I've been absolutely craving that lettuce...there's just nothing better than a wrap with nice crunchy lettuce) for lunch, but that's really the only change I've made. Still eating every couple hours.

As far as exercise, I spoke a little too soon about my 30-day shred plans the other day. My hubby was out of town since Monday night, and I don't sleep very well at all when he's gone (seriously, very few hours of sleep), so I needed that extra hour in between charge #1 and charge #2 so that I could finally sleep a little and actually function to care for 3 kids all day.

So, since he'll be home tonight (yay!), I'll actually get some good rest the next couple nights and will begin the program Friday morning. I'm excited to try it, and hopeful that the pounds will continue to come off.

Thanks to all of you who read this. I know it's not the most exciting journey in the world, but I'm trying to rewrite my future, and I'm grateful to all of you coming along with me and for your encouragment and support!


  1. Hurray!! I've only gained one pound since the beginning of this pregnancy! I haven't been exercising for the last couple of weeks, though. You're giving me motivation! You have a great blog!
