Monday, October 18, 2010

Still trying...

So here we are, a little over 3 weeks into this, and I have managed to lose 2 pounds. Those two pounds came off of the 4 that I put on when I fell off the wagon. So, I'm still 2 pounds more than when I started. 242.

It's more than frustrating to be here. I think I've made some really positive changes in the last few weeks and have managed to pick myself back up a couple times instead of staying down, as I would have in times past.

And...there has been an injury that kept me from working out for almost two weeks. But I'm all healed now, and I know from prior experience that I HAVE to work out to lose significant weight. I can't just cut some calories and see any real progress. That's just the way my body does it. I just got my 30-day shred DVD, and will begin tomorrow.

I'm saying an extra prayer that I can avoid injury!

For now, my goal is to stick with it for 30 days (I have to think small, otherwise I get too overwhelmed with the big picture). So, from October 19th until November 17th.

This means I give up my extra hour of sleep after one of my little charges arrives at 6:00am (and goes back to sleep around 6:15). But that's ok. I bet I'll feel more energized for the kiddos, which can never hurt. :)

Wish me luck!

Wish me luck!

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