Sunday, February 6, 2011


So I guess I should put up a blog about why I haven't been blogging!

We are expecting baby #2. It all started back in October, and so the weight loss journey has been put on hold for the duration of the pregnancy (because no matter how heavy you are, it should never be a purposeful goal to LOSE weight during pregnancy).

That said, I have definitely not been as good as I wanted to be with this baby. With Amy, I ate whatever, and with this one, I wanted to eat well, and it started out that way....but then there are the cravings and having to eat every few hours to stave off nausea, etc. And my healthy intentions have fallen by the wayside. But I was reminded that it's in the "getting back up" when you fall right?

So, hopefully this week or next I'm going to sign up for the spinning (indoor cycling) classes at the gym. Spinning is a highly recommended form of exercise in pregnancy (even to begin spinning, if you haven't been that active) because of the ability to personalize the intensity, the stability of being on a stationary bike, and the cardio benefits. There are guidelines, of course, about your body temperature and heart rate, but all in all it's a safe choice.

They have virtual spinning at our gym, which is right up my alley. There is nothing more boring to me than working out on a stationary machine without anything to occupy my mind. I'm hoping that the darkness in the room and the focal point will help make the duration of the workout do-able.

So that's goal #1.

Goal #2 is to seriously check my eating habits. Not being able to have lunchmeat has been HARD. I feel really at a loss for what to eat at lunchtime (PB&J just doesn't appeal every day). So I either need to get past the gross factor of heating up the lunchmeat to steaming or find a healthy alternative. I can make healthy dinners, it's breakfast and lunch (and the cravings in between) that have me in a bind. I'll be working on that one and get back to ya'll about it when I figure it out.

So that's the scoop. I can be just as accountable during pregnancy. If I want to be. ;) And I need to be.